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Specific training of CSS workers

Vytvořeno: úterý 20. prosinec 2011 9:18
Registration number: CZ.1.04/3.1.03/66.00134

Amount: CZK 819 552.00

Project implementation period: 1 June 2011 to 31 May 2013

Project Description
Social Services Center Decin, p.o. implementing a project specific staff training CSS. The target group for this project consists of employees of the organization. Above all, it is the social workers and social service workers who directly provide social services. In addition to these employees, the project is also intended to direct the education of their superiors, ie leaders. The project is based on the current situation where the constantly increasing requirements on quality of service, which obviously puts pressure on providers. High demands based on the laws in force are placed mainly on new vocational knowledge and skills of workers. These can be obtained, if necessary. them to master complex and also specialized training. As part of the educational process, the staff trained in courses involving various components of skills and knowledge relevant to the work in social services. With funding from this project will be able to proceed directly to employee education in our city.

Objectives of the project
As part of the educational process will be the staff of Social Service Centre Decin trained in courses involving various components of skills and knowledge relevant to the work in social services.

Target groups
The target group consists of employees of this organization. Above all, it is the social workers and social service workers who directly provide social services. In addition to these employees, the project is also intended to direct the education of their superiors, ie leaders.

Participants of the project
workers and bodies in the field of social services and integration

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